Sunday, April 11, 2010

Simply...Go-Gurt "simplify your life" prize pack giveaway and coupons!!

And the winner is commenter #56 - Tina who tweeted about the contest on 4/23! Congrats Tiny. You'll be receiving an email from me shortly. 
Last week I bought two boxes of Yoplait's new Simply...Go-Gurt and my boys ate both boxes in in less than three days! I think it is safe to say they like it! 

I like it because it has no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners! You might be surprised how many yogurts out there have artificial colors in them, and with a kid that reacts to red and yellow dye by getting more hyper than usual, we have to be careful what yogurt we buy for him. 

I can tell you in all honesty that Simply...Go-Gurt is now a staple kids yogurt in the MNT house!

Would you like to try it yourself? The first 30 readers who click on the "Try It Free" tab below will receive a coupon for a free package of Simply...Go-Gurt!*  After the 30 coupons are claimed, the micro site will include a link to a $1.10 off coupon so everyone who visits can share in the savings!

And if you would you like to win a coupon for a free sample of Simply... Go-Gurt* as well as a Go-Gurt "Simplify Your Life" prize pack that includes a pocket Etch a Sketch, weekly planner and a seat back organizer leave a comment on this blog post!

Other ways to enter:

For extra entries tweet about this giveaway on Twitter with a link back to this post. You can tweet once a day. Make sure you come back here and leave a comment on this post each time.

For one more entry follow my blog in a feed reader or subscribe via Google Friend Connect and leave a comment here letting me know.

Don't forget to include your email address in the comment. I know you have to include it to publish the comment, but unless it is actually within the body of the comment or you have email enabled on your Blogger profile I can't see it.

You have until midnight on Friday, April 23, 2010 to enter. I'll announce the winner that weekend. Again, don't forget to leave your email so I can contact you! 

Disclosure: Simply...Go-Gurt, product information and the gift pack to give away to one of my readers were all given to me from Yoplait and MyBlogSpark. Any opinions made by me are purely my own.

*This coupon offer for free Simply... Go-Gurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee.


cstironkat said...

Thank you so much for the coupon. My budget likes free.

cstironkat said...

4/11 tweet

Chip said...

My kids love these in the freezer. Great on a hot day.


Chip said...

Follow via GFC - Chip


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win a Go-Gurt "Simplify Your Life" prize pack :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Tweeted the giveaway

Anonymous said...

Following Mommy Needs Therapy Review Blog with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}]

Unknown said...

I'd love to win!

Unknown said...

gfc follower

Anonymous said...



Joannie said...

I'd love to win this giveaway for my little grandson!! He'd love it!!
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com

Ames said...

We love this stuff!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this prize pack. Looks like lots of great items! We love yogurt! My son could really use a back seat organizer for all his traveling "stuff". I'd love a planner for being more organized and my son would love the little Etch A Sketch.
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a blog follower
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

Karin said...

Nice prize pack...

karin56381 (at)

littlelatina said...

great im in

cstironkat said...

4/13 tweet

cstironkat said...

4/14 tweet

mogrill said...

Would love this for my baby niece.
Thanks for the chance.

betsy said...

We love yogurt!!!

betsy_349 at hotmail dot com

cstironkat said...

4/15 tweet

Karen P said...

I would like to enter. Thank you.

Karen P said...

gfc followe

cstironkat said...

4/16 tweet

CD said...

I love that seat back organizer! We so need one of those on long car trips. crayolaswap at hotmail dot com

CD said...

gfc follower crayolaswap at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

would love to win!

cstironkat said...

4/18 tweet

Sarah said...

Love the pocket etch-a-sketch!

cstironkat said...

4/19 tweet

Jenn S. said...

Neat price pack, we love yogurt!

cstironkat said...

4/20 tweet

Nicole D. said...

Thanks for the coupon! My daughter loves GoGurt!

cstironkat said...

4/21 tweet

Brenda said...

love it

Brenda said...

google friend

cstironkat said...

4/22 tweet

Jessica said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My family loves gogurt!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Nickolay said...

That Etch A Sketch would make road trips so much easier. Thanks for the chance


Nickolay said...



Charlene S. said...

Thanks for another great giveaway :)

Charlene S. said...

Follower on GFC, thanks again!

Unknown said...

Nice, thanks- we love yogo and etch a sketch. :)

Unknown said...

Google friend

Julie said...

This is a cute prize :)

Julie said...

follow blog

cstironkat said...

4/23 tweet

Amy delong said...

my son loves go gurt,so this would be great for us!


Amy delong said...

follow by gfc


Susan said...

I agree about the freezer, my daughter loves this treat!

Steffanie said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

steffanie771 at hotmail dot com

tina reynolds said...

thanks for the free coupon, and the chance to win I look forward to trying them

tina reynolds said...

i follow with google friend connect

tina reynolds said...

arla said...

I could use this stuff, the lil etch a sketch ann would luv and the yogurt well that would go fast of course.

arla said...


degood said...

My kids love Simply...Go Gurt. I buy it in a huge box every time i go to Costco and they eat it up less than a week.

degood said...

I follow your blog as degood with gooogle friend connect.

Anonymous said...

Daily giveaway Tweet

Melissa B. said...

My kids love yogurt.

Terri Dell said...

That etch-a-sketch would be perfect for my nephew for long car rides.

Terri Dell said...


susan1215 said...

My kids love yogurt

Kristie said...

Thank you for the chance to win-the kids would love to try these!

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

giggling kids said...

Thanks so much for the chance.
I would love to win this.

Holly G. said...

We love yogurt and would enjoy all of the other goodies in the prize pack, too!

Kim Benton said...

My grandbabies love Gogurt frozen. And Etch A Sketch brings back memories of my childhood. Thanks so much for this offer.

Kathy P said...

Thank you for the Great giveaway please count me in :)

Kathy P said...

Kathy P said...

Google Friend klp1965

Anonymous said...

I want to try this product for my granddaughter. Thanks for the giveaway.

kerri69 said...

This would be great for my kids they love this stuff
kerrisixtynine at gmaildotcom

kerri69 said...

google connect follower

Sand said...

Yogurt is one of my favorite snacks!

Charlene Kuser said...

My kids love Go-Gurt and I would love to win the prize pack.Thanks
for the chance

Charlene Kuser said...


Charlene Kuser said...

Following you on google friend
connect (Charlene)