Sunday, May 3, 2009

Florastor Kids Giveaway!

***and the winner is commenter number 4 - Hopeful Mother!***

If you read my main blog, Mommy Needs Therapy, you might remember when Kiel spent the night in the hospital for dehydration brought on by a stomach virus. His diarrhea lasted for several weeks. Eventually, one of the pediatricians in the practice we use suggested we try probiotics. I happened to have some on hand because I had tried them with Noah several months earlier, as someone had suggested he might have a yeast allergy and that may be impacting his behavior problems. The probiotic didn't appear to improve his behavior, and it was pretty expensive, so we stopped it. But, I had about half of a box of packets left.

So I gave it to Kiel and his diarrhea did gradually improve. The problem I had with the brand we were using though was that the packets contained an adult dose so I had to try and pour out a smaller dose of what I hoped was an appropriate amount for Kiel. It was inconvenient, and even though I was pretty sure I wasn't going to overdose him, I still wasn't happy that I wasn't able to be sure how much I was giving him.

Ironically, just a few weeks after Kiel stopped being Mr. PoopyPants and was back to his old self, MomSelect offered me the chance to try out Florastor Kids, a probiotic made of live freeze dried yeast cells of the species Saccharomyces boulardii lyo.

I wish I'd had this back in January when Kiel's diarrhea first started!

If you don't know anything about probiotics, they are great for diarrhea, especially diarrhea as the result of taking antibiotics.

You can read the fact sheet here to learn more about probiotics and and Florastor Kids.

You can also read a Q&A from Dr. James Sears M.D. here. Dr. James Sears, board-certified pediatrician, author and co-host of the CBS-TV show “The Doctors,” has recommended Florastor Kids to patients for years, first of all because he’s seen its efficacy in pediatric diarrhea, and because it’s backed by scientific studies.

I have two boxes of Florastor Kids (a total of 20 powder packets - a 10 day supply) to give away to one lucky reader! This would be great to have on hand the next time your child has to take antibiotics.

There are several ways you can enter this giveaway. You can enter up to five times by doing the following:

  1. Leave a comment on this post telling me something special about your own kids.
  2. Follow the MNT Review blog (click on the FOLLOW button to the right). Leave me a comment here letting me know you are following me.
  3. Check out my main blog Mommy Needs Therapy and leave a comment on one of my posts. Leave me a comment here telling me you did so.
  4. Follow my main blog Mommy Needs Therapy. Leave a comment here telling me you are following me. (If you are already following me, thank you! And leave a comment here anyway!)
  5. If you are feeling "wild" read the review I wrote prior to this post (about an adult "toy") and leave a comment on it. Then leave a comment here telling me you did so. *warning, this post is probably not considered safe for work*

Again, you can enter up to five times, but you MUST leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

This contest is open until Friday, May 8, at 5pm eastern time. Or until I get around to closing it and choosing the winner. I'm a lot of things, but punctual is not one of them. I'll notify the winner by email sometime next weekend, so make sure you've left me a way to contact you!


  1. They are very special as they make me laugh every day.

  2. My kids are awesome because they are always happy to see me!

  3. What's special about my child is the ability to make me smile, laugh and cry all at once. No one else on earth has such a grip on my heart.

  4. My boys are both so special... their smiles melt my heart!

  5. They are sweet, funny and very huggable :)

  6. my kids are not angels but they try their best ;)

  7. following your main blog as klp1965
    kathy pease

  8. My child has made people cry with her singing. :-)

  9. My kids are nice. (most of the time)

  10. I am following.

  11. I follow Mommy Needs Therapy.
